Critical Self Reflection: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Like everybody, the beginning of a new class is always filled with excitement and uncertainty. It was no different for Professor Blackstone's class. As the module outline was briefed, it became clear that this is a module for improving interpersonal and writing skills - mainly in communication and report writing. Professor Blackstone asked the class to write down a self-introduction comprised of strengths, weaknesses and our goals. I chose to work on my presenting and writing skills. Writing down my self-introduction made me reflect on the specific areas that I can improve. The assignments that were given to me required me to think critically, allowing me to write and understand better. 
Along the way, critical thinking techniques were taught such as Paul-Elder Framework where I found it to be very useful in writing research thesis. The Paul-Elder Framework is like a guide to think more carefully. It breaks down the thinking into different parts. Additionally, evaluation techniques such as desirability, feasibility and viability are effective in assessing the potential success of a project. The exposure to these techniques equipped me with the tools applicable for real-world situations in school or work. I now understand that critical thinking is equally important in non-verbal situations, as well as verbal situations.
Project Learning:
For my group project, my team and I had come up with a first aid machine to provide easy accessibility to anyone in need. Throughout this project, I have realized that I became more vocal and opinionated in the project discussion.  My group communicated all the time and ensured that we stayed on the same page. We took feedback from each other and worked on improving ourselves.

The most challenging part of this project for me was presenting our ideas to the class with Professor Blackstone evaluating it. It was nerve-racking as I hate to be the center of attraction but, with the encouragement and sharing of tips on presenting, it boosted my confidence and I felt more confidence. Even though it was a satisfactory presentation for me, I feel that there are still areas that I can work on. This shows how important team support can be. 
To sum up, I feel like I have improved a lot during Professor Blackstone's course. I focused on getting better at communicating with people and writing well, which not only made me think more carefully but also helped me face and work on my weaknesses. The techniques that were taught, like the Paul-Elder Framework and evaluation techniques, are useful in school and real life too. The group project showed me how important it is to work together, making me more confident and stronger when dealing with tough situations. Even though presenting was scary, my team's support taught me that teamwork is a big part of personal growth and success. This class has really helped me discover more about myself and keeps me wanting to get better.



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